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EP6: You Wouldn’t Blow Up the National Library


EP6: You Wouldn’t Blow Up the National Library

EP6: You Wouldn't Blow Up the National Library
Archive Fever

Yves and Clare are joined by Lynne Kelly and Margo Neale, co-authors of Songlines: The Power and Promise (2020), the first in a ground-breaking series on “First Knowledges”. How do songlines, visualized as pathways of knowledge that crisscross the continent, act as an embodied knowledge system? What is the connection between memory and place? The group discusses the recipe for unforgettable information, the “third archive”, and the mind-altering power of bringing humanity into… everything.

Front cover of Margo Neale & Lynne Kelly’s Songlines: The Power and Promise.

Front cover of Margo Neale & Lynne Kelly’s Songlines: The Power and Promise.

Lynne Kelly website:

Lynne Kelly on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lynne_Kelly

Margo Neale at National Museum of Australia: https://www.nma.gov.au/explore/research/indigenous-knowledges

Yves Rees, Clare Wright, Lynne Kelly and Margo Neale recording Archive Fever.

Yves Rees, Clare Wright, Lynne Kelly and Margo Neale recording Archive Fever.

Songlines: The Power and Promise: https://thamesandhudson.com.au/an-introduction-to-songlines-the-power-and-promise/

First Knowledges series: https://thamesandhudson.com.au/the-first-knowledges-series/

Songlines: Tracking the Seven Sisters exhibition at National Museum of Australia: https://songlines.nma.gov.au/